Without the ongoing support of our sponsors InterestingEvents.co.uk would not be here today. Our main sponsor is Combined Computer Resources (CCR) which is a small computer support company based in Croydon. CCR have met the costs of domain registration, renewal and hosting for the past ten years. If you require a new PC or laptop, have a problem with IT equipment, need an upgrade or repair, have a virus or a slow running machine please get in touch and tell them where you heard about their services. (Website)
Other supporters include:
1st Merton Park Scout Group (Website)
Emmacare Books – rare, collectable and signed books (Website)
Art For Art’s Sake – original art work (Website)
Vivian Benest and his Fairground Organ (YouTube Video)
And or course everyone who has provided details of their events and all those who visit the site on a regular basis.
Thank you all.